How many community activities, can you think of, where food is involved? Is it a craft club serving tea/ coffee and cake? Is it an Alpha course sharing a meal before they start? In all walks of life food is bringing people together.
The Larder was started to help the local community access good, healthy food for less, whilst preventing food waste. However, it has evolved into more than that. There are a group of people who meet up, sometimes an hour or two before the larder is open, to socialise because they have formed friendships from accessing a food hub.
Throughout his ministry, Jesus sat and ate with his disciples, Pharisees, Tax collectors and even those who were seen as outcasts and sinners. The very famous “breaking of bread” (which is copied each week at Churches all over the world) was the Last Supper, held on what we now call Maundy Thursday.
Don’t worry, we will cover Easter in more detail another day!
Eating communally is a way to get to know each other better. A tasty ice breaker before or even during a group. It is also a great way to share a bit of yourself. Is it something that your family cooks, possibly from a different culture? The “proper way” to serve a scone with cream and jam? (Manager Emma sides with cream then jam). Or is it your chance to offer something in a small way? You might not be able to serve a 3-course dinner for everyone, but bringing a dish means you are involved and supporting others in a way that’s more manageable.
All these things are just important and just as valid!
There are many chances to join in over food, across the two parishes here in Cosham and Wymering. On a Monday, Wendy is cooking up a hot meal for those attending Monday Meet. On Wednesday, the Wellbeing Café is serving teas and coffees, alongside some crafts and quiet time. Even at Church, teas and coffees are served after the 09.15 service at St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Wymering or during the service at St Philip’s Church, Cosham (when it is Café Church, every 3rd Sunday of the Month).
Jesus made a point of sitting down and sharing bread with his disciples. We should also seize any opportunity to sit around a meal with family, friends, or even new people. I am sure we will feel better, not just from the eating and drinking, but from pausing for a moment and discussing what is going on in our busy lives. We might also make a new friend or two along the way!